Salaries and wages are compensation … not Recognition!
Recognition is so very important because it is non-financial and personal. And, it is a skill every business leader and manager must learn and master. When recognizing an employee for great performance that praise must come swiftly and sincerely. The faster you recognize a job well done the more likely it will be repeated. Reward praise as soon as it is apparent.
Recognition must be truly sincere and targeted (specific to the employee) – this builds credibility. Bestowing praise is an acquired skill. Sincerity comes from being specific. Tell them what you heard, saw, or came to your attention about what they accomplished. This gives credibility to the whole process.
Make the recognition believable. A personal direct phone call, a virtual meet, a face-to-face meet – are acceptable and carry much more weight. It is important to bestow the recognition then stop. Keep it 100% positive. Recognition should not be a common, everyday event. Leaders must use it judiciously. Recognition should become second nature to you as a leader. Recognition can be given individually or for a team effort.
Look for opportunities to acknowledge and be grateful for employees. This is very powerful if used correctly and sends a message throughout the business that people matter. This has a greater impact than almost any other personal perk.