Startup Profile Questionnaire
Completing this Questionnaire will greatly assist in determining the scope and associated work required for the successful launch of your business.
General Business
- Do you have any prior experience at managing a business?
- Do you have a business plan/feasibility analysis for your project?
- Have you developed any economic or competitive assessments?
- Have you any proforma financial statements?
- Have you obtained any cost estimates for space, equipment, design?
- Will you be managing the business on a day-to-day basis? If not, than who?
- Have you given any thought to team-building and staffing requirements?
- Have you performed any demographic analyses?
- What is the competitive market position of the business?
- Have you developed a Marketing Plan? What are the costs?
- Have you named the business? What?
- Has a logo been designed?
- What type(s) of marketing vehicles are going to be used? Social media, print media, radio, TV, etc.?
- Are you going to utilized the services of a Public Relations firm?
- Is there a market for the products/services you are going to sell? What is it? How large?
- What Will Be Your Brand Differentiators?
- What Will Be Your Brand’s Competitive Frame of Reference?
Site Considerations
- Do you have or have you considered a site for the business? Will you be working out of your home?
- Have you determined if the site is ‘suitable’ for the business?
- Is the site in an urban locale?
- Do you plan on utilizing any existing site or build new?
- Will the business be located on a major street or highway.
- Will the business be near a school or university?
- Will the business facility be freestanding? In a shopping/strip mall?
- Will the business be located in a shopping mall? Be an web-based platform? Both
- Will the facility be owned or leased?
- Do you have any architectural or design drawings for the business? Have you hired an Architect?
- Has the Architect worked on similar projects?
- Have you consulted/hired a General Contractor?
- Has the General Contractor worked on similar projects?
- Is there ample parking for patrons?

- How are you funding your business?
- What are your funding Options?